We are the church in action: a worldwide community of people who believe. Who believe in God and in each other. A real church is an active church. We are the Protestant Church in the Netherlands in action: two million members (of 17 million habitants), over 1600 local congregations are active on behalf of their fellow men and women, near and far. No one is excluded. All are welcome. We are touched and inspired by Jesus Christ and the Bible’s call to take care of widows and orphans, prisoners and refugees. It is our calling to share what we have received.
Our essence
Church in Action (Kerk in Actie)
We believe that as a church we are the body of Christ. We are not an institution but a worldwide community of people, brothers and sisters. It’s not the organization that joins us together, but relationships: with each other and with God. But we are only the church when we act together. It is this conviction that inspires us to share what we have received. We share our time and talents, money and goods, prayer and faith, care and attention – offering hope and justice for each other, the world over.
Our promise
By sharing what you have been given, you (or your congregation) are part of the church in action. You (or your congregation) offer people worldwide hope and help them to reach their full potential.
Our approach
The Global Office in the Netherlands is part of the church in action and we offer our services to local churches and partner organizations – on the basis of equality, reciprocity and partnership.
We shareWe serve the church by sharing what we have received: money, knowledge, experience and time. We do this at home and abroad. We encourage others to share too, for example by collecting money or by doing voluntary work. We believe in sharing with:
- People in emergency situations
- People in search for safety
- People in poverty
- People affected by climatechange
- Christians in the minority
- Churches in vulnerable places
- Children and youth
- Bridgebuilders and peacemakers
We support
We serve the church by providing advice, inspiration and materials to people and congregations all over the world. Church social services, committees for global ministries and partner organizations can count on our commitment, staff and financial support.
We identify
We serve the church by identifying abuse and injustice worldwide. We expose these issues and act on them, thus acting as a voice for those who are not heard in the public and political arena.
Integrity policy Kerk in Actie
- ACT Alliance Code of Conduct Policy
- Kerk in Actie Child Safeguarding Policy
- The Code of Conduct for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and NGO’s in Disaster Relief
Partners, beneficiaries and other stakeholders abroad who witness any type of misconduct or experience any form of undesirable behavior from a person who represents Kerk in Actie, can confidentially contact our Integrity Officer directly at integrity@protestantsekerk.nl. Within two weeks you will receive a response on how your e-mail will be treated.
If you would like to know more about our procedures concerning integrity you can also contact our Integrity Officer on the above email address and ask for the following documents:
If you have a different type of complaint about Kerk in Actie’s work, please contact:
Kerk in Actie
Post: Postbus 456, 3500 AL Utrecht
Visit: Joseph Haydnlaan 2a 3533 AE Utrecht
tel. +31 30 880 1456